Meet the family! Zoee's band consists of her brothers and father, and her mother who is her manager.
DUNDEE - Lead Guitar
Zoee's father and lead guitarist in The Band. Often caught "ghosting"; a term depicted by the audience to describe Dundee's unique guitar playing style, inspired by rock, blues and
country roots.
ZY - Keys/Bass
Zoee's brother, Zy, (and newest member of The Band) delivers the heart thumping bass and key rhythm that brings that endless energy to the stage, inspired by his love for dance and pop music.
ZEDD -Drums/Cajon
Zoee's brother and rhythm keeper, Zedd, is the fundamental heartbeat to The Band. Zedd is also the mandolin player, backing vocalist and didgeridoo player.
His style has developed from a love of country, rock and bluegrass influences